On Thu, Jul 28, 2022 at 02:01:54PM +0200, rsyk...@disroot.org wrote:
| Ok. Now I perhaps gained some of the missing understanding, but
| still not full. 
| So if I obtain the tree by downloading a .tar, it is not enough
| to just supply -d to cvs once and next time run cvs without the -d;
| I must set up the CVSROOT env variable or use the cvschroot command.
| If you get the original tree by cvs (with some -d), the next
| time you can run cvs without the -d (and without the need to set up
| the environmental CVSROOT). 
| But then, one last thing: if I obtain a tree with a certain cvs -d
| CVSROOT1, then run cvs -d CVSROOT2, and finally run cvs without -d,
| what CVSROOT will be used in the last case? I hope it will be
| CVSROOT1, won't it?  (Otherwise I would not understand why starting
| with a .tar and running subsequently cvs -d is not enough to then
| run cvs without the -d...)

Basically, yes.  What you could do is update all the CVS/Root files to
point at a new CVSROOT.  For example .. on my machine I have the

        [weerd@pom] $ cat /usr/src/CVS/Root

(note that this file is duplicated throughout the tree with the exact
same contents; check `md5 -r $(find /usr/src -name Root | head -n 20)`

Let's say I have /home/weerd/CVSROOT with the new CVSROOT.  Now I can

        for X in `find /usr/src -name Root`
                cp /home/weerd/CVSROOT ${X}

(NB: this is safe for a /usr/src checkout, be wary of other
repositories that may have files named Root elsewhere than under CVS/
or with paths with spaces)


Paul 'WEiRD' de Weerd


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