On 2022-07-28, rsyk...@disroot.org <rsyk...@disroot.org> wrote:
> Dear list,
> I have a ports tree. (Most probably first obtained
> by downloading a .tar file.) I am able to update it
> with, e.g.,
> ; CVSROOT=anon...@ftp.hostserver.de:/cvs
> ; cvs -d $CVSROOT -q up -Pd -rOPENBSD_7_1
> After that I thought -- based on what I read at
> https://www.openbsd.org/anoncvs.html#CVSROOT
> -- that running just
> ; cvs -q up -Pd -rOPENBSD_7_1
> should work, but it does not: 
> cvs update: in directory .:
> cvs update: ignoring CVS/Root because it specifies a non-existent repository 
> /cvs
> cvs update: No CVSROOT specified!  Please use the `-d' option
> cvs [update aborted]: or set the CVSROOT environment variable.
> Thanks for comments.

Either use -d, or set CVSROOT, or replace CVS/Root files with ones
containing the path to the repo (cvschroot from the cvsutils package
makes this easy). If your original checkout had been done via anoncvs
you wouldn't have needed to do this. (Also ports.tar.gz misses some
files - run "cvs up -Pd" across the whole tree to fetch them).

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