
I was trying to autoinstall OpenBSD 7.1 on a VM when I stumbled upon
something unexpected (to my uneducated eyes) in the installer.

What I'm trying to do may very well fall in the "unsupported" basket,
just tell me. But still, I think I can at least ask if this is
actually intended behavior.

When I used the following answers:

Location of sets = disk
Is the disk partition already mounted = yes
Pathname to the sets = /

I expected the setup to look at the / (from the ramdisk), but it
searched in /mnt2 instead.

The error message was helpful:

Looked at file:///mnt2// and found no OpenBSD/amd64 [...]

After having had a look at install_mounted_fs() in
distrib/miniroot/install.sub I can see why it happened like that.

But the comments in the install.sub file say that it should "# Accept
a valid absolute path.".

But as this is only checked after the /mnt2 & /mnt tests, it may do
something different whether they contain something related to your
answer or not.

I managed to workaround this by telling it to use ../ instead of /,
and it worked, so I have a solution for my needs.

Is this in need for a modification, or is it good as-is ?
I can submit a patch if you think it is useful.


Vincent Legoll

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