On 3/10/06, Ted Unangst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 3/10/06, Wijnand Wiersma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Maybe I think too good about people/companies, but maybe if you want
> > to create xxxx and a company really likes that they maybe sponsor. If
> > you have big plans and need money for that and that company really
> > needs feature xxxx they might think hey let's sponsor this.
> or they could start paying for the features they are already using today.

You are very right, but in this sad world that aint gonna happen.
If there are big plans, and the companies could benefit from those big
plans it might actually make them donate if those plans need real
donations. It all depends on how big is the plan and how it will
affect the usefullness of OpenBSD. When I read Theo's words in the
first post I know for sure he really has big plans.

But ok, I will shut up and go on in my little nasty dreamworld.


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