I agree with those who have said that this thread is very largely a waste of time with lots of talk and little action coming from it apart from the few overt contributions to the "power bill" fund. Thanks to those people.
For those of you who haven't thought of a way to contribute more than your personal $$ or those of your own business, how about what I am doing. I am writing personalised letters to businesses where I have used any OpenBSD technology informing them that my bills have not included a charge for OpenBSD/OpenSSH etc (as it applies to their business). I'll be relating to them that if it was MSFT/IBM/Novell/RedHat whatever they would have had considerably more to pay and that, whilst they can get more of OBSD free of charge, that won't necessarily continue without some voluntary contributions. I'll tell them that outfits like Apple, HP, IBM and Microsoft use OpenBSD produced software to enhance their products and largely don't contribute anything in return. Then I'll close by saying that I think that you ($RECIPIENT) are not so mean or shortsighted as the megaliths seem to be and will make a contribution in appreciation of past services and in anticipation of more high quality software from the talented OpenBSD team. Then I'll close with just the website donation URL as sending cheques from Australia is likely to cause hassles if anyone is silly enough to write one in $AUD and post it off with the payee as OpenBSD. Now I'll shut up and hack (some more letters). Maybe some of you can do the same? A bunch of smallish payments from SMBs would likely add up to more than we'll see from any of the biggies. Prove me wrong IBM/HP/Apple/MSFT ! >From the land "down under": Australia. Do we look <umop apisdn> from up over? Do NOT CC me - I am subscribed to the list. Replies to the sender address will fail except from the list-server.