On 8/16/21 9:06 AM, Stuart Henderson wrote:
Speaking of backend code I don't know how to find, much less submit a diff for:
For folders that are entirely in the Attic[0], could
cvsweb.openbsd.org somehow be convinced to display these only in the
actual Attic, and not list them in the parent's directory list? Or if
that's not feasible, to maybe show a marker behind the names of
folders that don't contain anything?
Something like [in the Attic] or [all contents in the Attic] or
[empty] or [Attic]?
Sounds like a bunch of recursive scanning would be needed. Not sure it's worth
it when the git expprt exists.. cvaweb is in ports but I don't know if it's the
same version which runs on cvsweb.openbsd.org.
Yes, the version on cvsweb.openbsd.org is the one in ports.
There is/was a newer port submitted, but didn't get committed. I wasn't too
excited about using the newer one as it had a LOT of additional dependencies
which are always "fun" (not really) to cram into a chroot and keep updated.