For the online man pages at, apparently any page PRIOR to OpenBSD 5.1 will show pagename(0) in the <title>, e.g. not wsdisplay(4) but wsdisplay(0). The OpenBSD 5.0/5.1 watershed is also when links in man pages become clickable. I think somebody told me this before, but I've forgotten where the backend code for is maintained. I think it was not in /src. I could be wrong.
Speaking of backend code I don't know how to find, much less submit a diff for: For folders that are entirely in the Attic[0], could somehow be convinced to display these only in the actual Attic, and not list them in the parent's directory list? Or if that's not feasible, to maybe show a marker behind the names of folders that don't contain anything? Something like [in the Attic] or [all contents in the Attic] or [empty] or [Attic]? Presently, if you don't know your way around the OpenBSD code base particularly well just yet, then it's super-easy to just run into these irksome cul-de-sacs all the time. And you can't tell in advance which directories are dead ends and which ones aren't. YOU ARE IN A MAZE OF TWISTY LITTLE PASSAGES, ALL ALIKE. Thanks and regards, Ian [0] e.g. /www/reprints has no non-Attic content. There are many more of these.