On Tue Apr 27, 2021 at 10:49 AM BST, Janne Johansson wrote:
> Regardless of OS, the "easiest" setup is where you encrypt the drives
> and wipe by "forgetting" the keys. Then you can dd the disks if it
> makes someone else happy but having FDE and changing the key to
> something random that you don't store, and then doing a normal wipe in
> the simplest of terms would cover a lot of the practical attacks.
> For the ones concerned with theoretical and imaginary enemies,
> PXE-booting into a DBAN.iso or similar wiping solutions is probably
> the next step. Also OS-independent.

Thanks Janne. Certainly those are two useful methods for ensuring that
the disk is wipe or the contents are not accessible. The scenario I am
thinking about is say a laptop is left in a suspended state, and
forgotten on a train somewhere. The contents of the drive would be
recoverable in that state unless something remote was to lock it down or
wipe the disk

Oliver Leaver-Smith

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