Den tis 27 apr. 2021 kl 11:44 skrev Oliver Leaver-Smith
> Hello misc@
> I wonder if anyone could recommend remote wipe software for OpenBSD, should 
> someone want to start using it in an enterprise setting where such features 
> are a requirement?
> Thanks in advance,

Regardless of OS, the "easiest" setup is where you encrypt the drives
and wipe by "forgetting" the keys. Then you can dd the disks if it
makes someone else happy but having FDE and changing the key to
something random that you don't store, and then doing a normal wipe in
the simplest of terms would cover a lot of the practical attacks.

For the ones concerned with theoretical and imaginary enemies,
PXE-booting into a DBAN.iso or similar wiping solutions is probably
the next step. Also OS-independent.

May the most significant bit of your life be positive.

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