Hi, I just searched the net for hours but didn't find a reasonable solution. My intention is to get traffic graphs, like the ones in mrtg for interfaces but for specific services (that is one for ftp, one for http and so on).
First idea was to use mrtg/snmp that I already use for simple interface-based traffic monitoring. But net-snmp has no MIB that presents a service-based differentiation as far as I found out. So the second idea was to use pflog-capabilities, but is there any tool out there that generates images out of pf-logs? I just found pfstat which seems not to be able to work with distinct services. In the end, I tried to find all-in-one solutions, found some rrdtool-related stuff but unfortunately, I did not find a not to complex solution for my problem. Maybe someone can point me in the right direction or just tell me a hint for a good rtfm? Thanks a lot for any tip... Oh, almost forgot: It should work on OpenBSD :-) CU David -- David Elze Tel: (+49)(0)441 - 36116410 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fax: (+49)(0)441 - 36116419 http://www.bytemine.net/ PGP/GPG: 5F83FEA2 bytemine - Entwicklungsmanufaktur fuer innovative Loesungen [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pgp-signature which had a name of signature.asc]