You could take a look at pfflowd, flow-tools, flowd, and tcpflow. These are 
all in the ports tree.  

Tim Donahue

On Thursday 02 March 2006 11:16, David Elze wrote:
> Hi,
> I just searched the net for hours but didn't find a reasonable solution.
> My intention is to get traffic graphs, like the ones in mrtg for
> interfaces but for specific services (that is one for ftp, one for http
> and so on).
> First idea was to use mrtg/snmp that I already use for simple
> interface-based traffic monitoring. But net-snmp has no MIB that
> presents a service-based differentiation as far as I found out.
> So the second idea was to use pflog-capabilities, but is there any tool
> out there that generates images out of pf-logs? I just found pfstat
> which seems not to be able to work with distinct services.
> In the end, I tried to find all-in-one solutions, found some
> rrdtool-related stuff but unfortunately, I did not find a not to complex
> solution for my problem.
> Maybe someone can point me in the right direction or just tell me a hint
> for a good rtfm? Thanks a lot for any tip...
> Oh, almost forgot: It should work on OpenBSD :-)
> CU
>   David
> --
> David Elze                     Tel:    (+49)(0)441 - 36116410
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]              Fax:    (+49)(0)441 - 36116419
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