On 11/25/20 3:26 PM, Manuel Giraud wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to upgrade (on -current) and, in the process, remove some cruft
> accumulated over the years. I usually do sysupgrade and sysclean for
> system.
> But for packages, I think I would be better to reinstall everything
> since "pkg_check -F" does not seems to complain and I can see I have,
> for example, some firefox-57 files left.
> I think I could do the following but I don't know if it is safe:
> - sysupgrade (+ sysclean)
> - pkg_info -mz > mypkg
> - umount /usr/local
> - newfs partition_of_usr_local
> - mount /usr/local
> - pkg_add -l mypkg
> Or maybe, I should dump, do a complete reinstall, pkg_add -l mypkg,
> restore /home and, tediously, restore some /etc files.
> How would you do this?
Here's what I found easy to do periodically on my home computers, when I
feel it is a time to de-clutter:
rm -rf /usr/local/* /var/db/pkg/* /var/db/pkg/.* /etc/rc.d/*_daemon
for i in \
adobe-source-code-pro \
ansible \
borgbackup \
chromium \
emacs--gtk3 \
gnupg-- \
dmenu \
firefox \
thunderbird \
rsync-- \
git \
gpicview \
go \
rust \
inconsolata-font \
ipcalc \
mplayer \
mtr-- \
nmap \
ntfs_3g \
openvpn \
pidgin-- \
pv \
spectrwm \
splint \
tcptraceroute \
telegram-purple \
terminus-font \
transmission \
vim--gtk2 \
xpdf \
zsh ; do pkg_add -v $i; done
so when I am running it I am easily getting the system which I have most
essential software installed.