On November 25, 2020 11:09:02 PM GMT+01:00, Stuart Henderson
<s...@spacehopper.org> wrote:
>On 2020-11-25, Manuel Giraud <man...@ledu-giraud.fr> wrote:
>> I have one (somewhat) related question left: is possible to capture
>> output of pkg_delete -an in a file? I tried the following (without
>> luck):
>> $ pkg_delete -an > /tmp/foo
>Here you redirect stdout from the process to /tmp/foo
>> $ pkg_delete -an > /tmp/foo 2>&1
>And here you redirect stdout from the process to /tmp/foo, and then
>stderr to stdout.
>What you need is:
> $ pkg_delete -an 2>&1 > /tmp/foo
>- redirect stderr to stdout, then redirect stdout (which now includes
>stderr) to /tmp/foo.
I think you're wrong. I hope I'm not.
Is it rather possibly so that pkg_delete handles output to a TTY different than
to a non-TTY?