On Sat, Aug 29, 2020 at 10:48 AM Henry W. Peterson < henrywillpeter...@outlook.com> wrote:
> > To Ian Darwin <ian () darwinsys ! com>: > > But the password has already been entered, that is previous the boot > prompt. > > When I type "set tty com0", would that immediately switch console? I > thought it established the console for the single user mode while loading > /bsd (typical white letters on a blue background). > Yes, it's been a long while but if you have a monitor and keyboard attached you will no longer be able to use them. For getting further info from the boot process you'll have to have a serial console attached. > > About the "pins"; yes, those are the ones. But I was assuming to use them > on both ends. Are you suggesting the use of an USB to Serial adapter to > safely disconnect the USB end of the cable and that it would make it then > safe to disconnect the other end too? > Yes, I believe it's safe to remove them in any order actually. Greg