As a shot in the dark, it might have something to do with environmental
variables or lack thereof.  Are you sure everything is setup *exactly*
the same?

At any rate, that's the first thing that popped into my head.

Good luck :)

best regards,
Reid Nichol

--- Peter Bako <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have a weird problem I cannot find a solution to.  I've written a
> small
> script (attached below) that I put on the dozen or so systems that I
> maintain for friends and clients, that daily sends some basic
> information to
> my web server.  This data is then stored in a MySQL database and
> viewed via
> another script.  All the systems are running OpenBSD version 3.5 to
> 3.8, and
> the one in question here is 3.8.
> The problem is this.  On one remote system (identical in every
> respect to
> about 8 others out there), the script when executed manually (either
> as root
> or as a non-privileged user) runs normally and uploads its data as it
> should.  However when the cron job hits at midnight the script always
> fails
> and without any error message that I can get.  As you can see the
> script is
> quite simple, the only active component is a call to CURL which hits
> a
> specific address.  The local log entry lists my error message but
> $result is
> always empty so I have no specific error to go by.  By looking
> through the
> logs of my own web server at the same time that the local log entry
> is made,
> I know that the connection to my system is never established.
> Here is the script:
> ----------------------
> #!/bin/sh
> name=`uname -n`
> ip=`ifconfig sis0 | grep 'inet ' | awk '{ print $2 }'`
> space=`df | tail -1 | awk '{ print $4 }'`
> ver=`uname -r`
> result=`/usr/local/bin/curl -s $data`
> case $result in
>         good)
>                 `logger Info sucessfully logged!`
>                 exit 0
>                 ;;
>         *)
>                 `logger Unable to log system info!  Error: $result`
>                 exit 1
>                 ;;
> esac
> ---------------------
> The cron job that launches it is added to root's crontab (crontab -u
> root
> -e) and looks like this:
> ---------------------
> @daily                    /usr/local/fwreport
> ---------------------
> I've tried leaving the -s flag off of the CURL call to get some kind
> of an
> error out, but whatever might come back does not make it out to the
> $result
> variable.  Again this identical script works on over a dozen other
> systems,
> most totally identical to this unit down to the hardware and OS
> version, so
> it has to be more or less correct.
> Any suggestion, ideas, etc. are appreciated.
> Peter
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