* Peter Bako <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-02-25 15:33:28 -0800]:
> However when the cron job hits at midnight the script always fails and
> without any error message that I can get.

Whenever you have a problem like this (ie. "Script foo works perfectly
from the command line but not from cron"), you should always run
/usr/bin/env (or /bin/env) from cron, and then manually run your script
with that same environment (unsetting any envariables you need to get
your shell to match that of the cron environment) -- that will show you
fairly quickly what is wrong and how this particular box is different
from your 7 other ones.

Usually it is just a PATH issue, but sometimes it may be some missing
envariable that you didn't even realize existed (or that your script
depended on it).


N.J. Thomas
Etiamsi occiderit me, in ipso sperabo

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