On April 23, 2020 10:46:44 PM GMT+03:00, Theo de Raadt <dera...@openbsd.org> 
>You need to stop making this mailing list just about you.
><zeurk...@volny.cz> wrote:
>> "Martin Schröder" <mar...@oneiros.de> wrote:
>> > Am Do., 23. Apr. 2020 um 21:31 Uhr schrieb <zeurk...@volny.cz>:
>> >> No problem. Would it be too crude a suggestion that we go back to
>> >> content now...?
>> >
>> > You didn't provide any patch.
>> That is entirely correct.
>>         --zeurkous.
>> -- 
>> Friggin' Machines!

Some of these  e-mails were  useful  others  not...

So, can I setup  openBSD labels on x86_64 without legacy/GPT partition first ?
And who the hell needs more than 16 partitions ? Why not we just port  ZFS from 
 FreeBSD, or LVM  from Linux and get over it ?

P.S.: The last one was not a real  question, but I would like  to hear  if  
anyone has attempted to port any of these  2  .

Best Regards,
Strahil Nikolov

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