On 2020-01-26, Chris Bennett <cpb_m...@bennettconstruction.us> wrote:
> As far as your seemingly brilliant idea, it won't work.
> Try this. Put OpenBSD on a USB stick. Then try to get ANYONE to boot it
> on their laptop/desktop. I gave up after about 25 tries over the years.
> Next, try this. Give away a few laptops with OpenBSD already installed
> for free. Check back with these people 3 months later. You won't find a
> single one with OpenBSD still installed unless they just stuffed it in a
> closet.

I can't agree with this part. I have non-technical users on OpenBSD
laptops and desktops using GNOME+Chromium+LibreOffice, not everything
is perfect but it works well enough and we didn't have to revert to

It *does* need managing though, it won't work as a "here is the machine,
now you're in charge" setup. For that reason I think in most cases this
type of user would often find that an iPad or ChromeBook would suit them

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