On Sat, Jan 25, 2020 at 07:26:35PM -0500, Chris Bennett wrote:
Try this. Put OpenBSD on a USB stick. Then try to get ANYONE to boot it
on their laptop/desktop. I gave up after about 25 tries over the years.

Next, try this. Give away a few laptops with OpenBSD already installed
for free. Check back with these people 3 months later. You won't find a
single one with OpenBSD still installed unless they just stuffed it in a

If I was going to do it, I would include at least 5-10 hours of
one-to-one training (how to use & set everything up, etc) then regular
check-backs at monthly intervals.

In other words, think of it more like a consulting arrangement (which
others already offer) than a hardware give-away or sale.

The reason is that -- in my experience -- the most important part of
computer security is the part which exists between the computer and the

If the end user has no clue, they will find a way to fuck up even
OpenBSD. Or they will just not use it.

You have to work out how to make OpenBSD a better solution than whatever
it is they currently have... then ensure they understand the situation
enough to use the setup securely.

OpenBSD won't stop you from clicking on a phishing email and entering
your credit card.

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