On Fri, 10 Feb 2006 17:10:41 +0530, Siju George <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>BSD on x86 has also suffered at the hands of these maniac virus
>coders, so much so that there are hardly any BSD x86 web servers on
>the web that haven't been repeatedly p0wned.
>is the above sentence even remotely true???
>Thankyou so much
>Kind Regards

Hi Siju,

As I told you this a long time ago in a private email, when I first
started seeing your posts to the list, I actually thought you were just
trolling. Eventually, I figured out you're just inexperienced and you're
just trying to learn while fighting against both language and culture

As others have pointed out, you simply misunderstood the article and
then posted to the list what many people would consider an inflammatory
question. This is not the first time where your reading skills have
failed to comprehend the meaning of an article and you posted such
questions to the list. Don't feel bad about it because you're not the
only one. Heck, Dave Feustel is constantly misreading security stuff and
posting questions to the list -and he's an American. ;-) 

Just as Dave (and nearly all people, myself included) have trouble
understanding all the various implications of security in one particular
technical context or another, the goal is to truly understand what you
read and be able to answer your own questions.

Some of your comprehension problem is cultural, since various forms of
communication in Western English, such as sarcasm, Westerners speaking
very directly (rather than hinting) and many other nuances, takes a good
deal of practice to understand and accept. It is very difficult, if not
impossible, to completely separate language from culture, so just
knowing the language leaves you without the context of the culture
needed for comprehension.

Is Shiva the restorer of worlds, the destroyer of worlds or the healer?

Another part of the problem is a matter of study. You may want to do
some studying on "critical analysis" (also called "critical reading" and
more formally called "exegesis"  -the ability to evaluate, interpret and
deconstruct what you read so you fully understand it). Another area you
will want to study is formal logic (-the ability to evaluate a logical
arguments, statements, and derived conclusions).

The time you invest in studying these two areas, and learning the
culture behind the language will give you the tools you need to better
understand things written in Western English.

BTW, if you ever get an email from Rod Whitworth, dlg@ or any of the
other list members in Australia and the email is written in "Strine"
you'll definitely need a dictionary, and no, the dictionary won't help
very much. :-)

kind regards,

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