On Sat, 11 Feb 2006 17:35:58 -0500, Daniel Ouellet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>J.C. Roberts wrote:
>> As others have pointed out, you simply misunderstood the article and
>> then posted to the list what many people would consider an inflammatory
>> question. This is not the first time where your reading skills have
>> failed to comprehend the meaning of an article and you posted such
>> questions to the list. Don't feel bad about it because you're not the
>> only one. Heck, Dave Feustel is constantly misreading security stuff and
>> posting questions to the list -and he's an American. ;-) 
>Been put in the same boat... (;>
>I have some problem at times to understand some stuff too, but this one 
>really hurts. Personally I would prefer be called a moron and I have 
>been called so at times too. But it was easier to receive. (;>

As I said, you should not feel bad about it. Absolutely *everyone* is in
the same situation facing these communication problems. As difficult as
it may be to imagine, even those who have English as their first
language (langue maternelle) regularly fail to completely understand the
English words they read.

I have tremendous respect for you and Siju and everyone who tries to
learn multiple languages so they can communicate with other people from
other cultures. It is a very difficult task. Even when you misunderstand
something, you should still be proud of the fact you actually tried to
understand it. Regardless of your results, the *effort* you put into
comprehending deserves respect.

The things I pointed out to Siju are simply tools to help him get better
results from his efforts. You can consider them leverage since they
allow you to understand more with less effort or you can think of them
like wearing the glasses that bring the things you read into better

kind regards,

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