Sat, 03 Nov 2018 03:12:37 +0000 Tinker <>
> On Saturday, November 3, 2018 10:29 AM, Diogo Galvao <> 
> wrote:
> > Em sex, 2 de nov de 2018 às 19:06, escreveu:
> >  
> > > I use these bindings and history control options in the $HOME/.profile:
> > > bind -m '^L'=^U\ clear'^J^Y'
> > > bind -m '^[^L'=^U\ reset\;clear'^J^Y'
> > > export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups:ignorespace  
> >
> > Since June 18 [1] there's a new clear-screen editing command that we can
> > bind accordingly:
> >
> > bind ^L=clear-screen
> >
> > It's been working like a charm.
> >
> > [1]:
> >
> > Yours,
> > Diogo  
> Ah, perfect - finally. This is way cleaner, perfect even - the previous
> solution had the space prefix history filtering quirk and would also
> flash the word "clear" on the screen when pressing ctrl+L.
> Works out of the box in 6.4. Thanks a ton.
> Tinker

Hi Diogo, Tinker, misc@,

Yes indeed.  I tried that at the time of addition and now again, only to
reiterate once more why I kept using the complex combination assignment.

In my use case, it doesn't work clean on multiple line prompts like with
'\n' in PS1, a clear-screen loses all prompt lines before the last line.

To see if you could reproduce this behaviour try the following examples:

PS1='=== line1 ===\n=== line2 ===\nline3 h\! \$ '
bind ^L=clear-screen

Here the history line count stays accurate on issuing ^L, try 'fc -l 1'.
For comparison with the actual prompt and working clear assignment, see:

PS1='\a=== \D{%a %b %d [%H:%M]} \u@\h:\w (\l) j\j e$? h\! ===\n\$ '
bind -m '^L'=^U\ clear'^J^Y'

Here the multiple line output prompt is kept, and indeed screen flashes.
Oddly the history line count '\!' increases on ^L, albeit 'ignorespace'.

I can understand why it changes, but it renumbers the history sequences.
The command issued first is listed as a different higher number, really?

Ideally, clear-screen would honour the prompt more faithfully, and for a
perfect score would have (please suggest) a variant to also issue reset.

Most probably, it is too much weight to have reset-clear-screen builtin.

Not sure anything needs fixes, definitely using the work around for now.
But the history count renumbering, plus the discrepancy is just bugging.

Kind regards,
Anton Lazarov

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