On Friday, November 2, 2018 7:03 PM, Tinker <t1...@protonmail.ch> wrote:
> > Try this one: bind -m '^L'=^Uclear'^J^Y'
> Thank you so much for coming up with this one.
> It does work as advertised - it clears the screen while keeping the
> content and cursor position in the command line.
> I just realized that it does one inadvertent thing though: It adds a
> line to ksh's history with the text "clear", which will surprise you
> and unnecessarily steal some attention next time you press the up
> arrow.
> I found this thread https://marc.info/?t=153299615600004&r=1&w=2 which
> discusses how to get the "clear" out of the ksh history file, and, the
> trick described there also applies to the history - great!
> So your suggestion above is amended with:
> bind -m '^L'=^U clear'^J^Y'
> HISTCONTROL=ignorespace


bind -m '^L'='^U clear^J^Y'

> I find the notion of using space prefix as ignore condition just a bit
> primitive and with a very big risk of unintentional trigging, e.g., if
> you paste a script in your shell its indentation would make it ignored.
> Could some other ^ shortcut be an ignore-this-line-from-history marker?
> ^I as in ignore, "bind -m '^L'=^U^Iclear'^J^Y'" :)
> Anyhow it works - great, thanks again for pointing out.

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