
your forwarding performance will vary based on a few things...
at the minute Routing is MP safe... but if one of the lan ports
lets say em1 was in a bridge...  then the forwarding is  done
by a single core...

My testing on OpenBSD 6.3  showed speeds of 750/s - 800Mb/s
with default rules using    x86-64 GENERIC (not i386)

speeds generally fell when playing with Encapsulation..
I was using a test rig as follows

apuc2iperfclient ----- <apuc2-router>------ apuc2iperf server

I hope this helps

On Wed, 3 Oct 2018 at 19:04, Benjamin Petit <bpe...@yahoo.fr> wrote:
> Thanks, I just saw the previous discussion, from late 2017.
> Do you know where we can follow the work that is being done? I would be more 
> than
> happy to test early version.

Kindest regards,
Tom Smyth

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