I am trying to setup a PC Engines APU2C2 as a router using OpenBSD. Using the latest snapshots of CURRENT, with pf disabled, it seems capable to route at near gigabit speeds, but when enabling pf (with the default config file), I cannot get a bandwidth of more than 450/440Mbits/s between the two segments of my LAN. That seems to be a huge drop using default rules. Enabling NAT doesn't seems to drop performance more.
Before upgrading to CURRENT, I think routing with or without pf enabled was around 600Mbit/s, but I would need to reinstall to test again. Method of test: iperf3 between a PC in network and another in network I try with 1 connection, 10 connections and then 20 connections. I know this is not a perfect routing test, but that's what I can easily test for now. I am an OpenBSD newbie, so I am not sure where to look to see the bottleneck. I know that the APU2 is not very powerful, but I expected a bit more than that, with simple pf rules. Thanks,