On 2018-09-14, Marko Cupać <marko.cu...@mimar.rs> wrote:
> Hi,
> for years I have been using setup with two firewalls: "outer" one -
> FW1-BGP - connecting to upstream ISPs and talking BGP to them regarding
> my DMZ, and "inner" one - FW2-NAT, doing NAT for my LAN.
> ISP1       ISP2
>   \         /
>    [FW1-BGP]
>        |
>      (DMZ)
>        |
>    [FW2-NAT]
>        |
>      (LAN)
> (Actually, it's more complicated due to each of the firewalls having
> their CARP twin, but that shouldn't matter for my questions).
> I'm considering moving to setup with just one firewall (ok, two,
> because of CARP, once again it should not matter), which would connect
> to upstream ISPs, DMZ and LAN.
> ISP1       ISP2
>   \         /
>    [FW1-ALL]
>   /         \
> (DMZ)      (LAN)
> Any success / failure stories from admins who already went through
> this? Any pitfalls I should avoid?

Operationally this setup works ok if you have one router. The difficulty
comes if you want to land the two ISPs on different routers and do carp
between them, like

ISP1           ISP2
  \             /
  /             \
(DMZ)          (LAN)

Then, if incoming packets go to the non-master firewall, you need to keep
the PF state table in sync between the two, in particular TCP sequence numbers
need to match up with the information in the state. pfsync with "defer" can
help but there might still be issues with fast TCP flows.

Otherwise you can use "depend on <carpXX>" in bgpd config, so that you only
have active bgp sessions on the router/firewall which is "master" at the
time, but then you have slower failovers because it needs to bring up the
session and load the route table after carp flips across.

I generally prefer the "two layer" setup if possible.

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