Hello Aham,
The book of PF by Peter M Hansteen is very good, and openBSD Specific
Building Internet firewalls is good also ...  Building internet
firewalls book can
be a bit verbose atimes... but it does go through things in detail...
regarding BGP ...

is good for BGP and Security best practices...  just watch URPF  when
having multiple paths through your rotuers / firewalls
it features OpenBGPd config guidelines too

Lookup BGP BCP and BCP 38 also  if you want more slides,
there are many freebee presentations on Ripe NANOG and the like that
are very good ...
If you like vidoes ... Job Snijders has done some very good talks on
security practices on NANOg ...Check out Youtube...

On Mon, 1 Oct 2018 at 22:45, Aham Brahmasmi <aham.brahma...@gmx.com> wrote:
> Hi Ingo,
> Thank you for sharing your experience and insight.
> > This is discussed in very great detail, covering several chapters,
> > in the fundamental book by Elizabeth D. Zwicky, "Building Internet
> > Firewalls" (O'Reilly 2000).  While in that book, lots of information
> > about specific services is somewhat dated, i think the part about
> > topologies still holds.
> Would you recommend any other books in addition to "Building Internet
> Firewalls"?
> Thanks.
> Regards,
> ab
> ---------|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------|--

Kindest regards,
Tom Smyth

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