Hi, I am not sure you got that right.
If you are an ISP the minimum assignment is /32 and you assigned /48 to end company and /56 to users. If you asked me that's a wasted, but that's what they suggest. For end users, a /64 would be plenty if you asked me and /56 for company would be plenty as well. But if you truly follow their policy, then well may be will run out there too like in IPv4 when it really start to be assigned, but anyway that's for a different discussion. Anyway see ARIN policy for it: https://www.arin.net/vault/policy/archive/ipv6_policy.html If you are not under ARIN, but RIPE, APNIC, AfriNIC, Lacnic, etc. They have similar policy. I would encourage you to check that if your problem is really that you got to small assignment. Unless your a very small ISP that got his assignment from your transit provider oppose to your own and get your own AS number, you will have plenty to work with. I really do not know of ANY ISP that get /56 for real. I got my assignment in 2003 and the policy still haven't changed. Hope this help you some. Daniel. On 8/10/18 9:12 PM, Walt wrote: > On August 10, 2018 3:57 PM, Henry Bonath he...@thebonaths.com wrote: > >> Also could it be that you are using IPv6, not IPv4? (and your IPv6 is >> missing its gateway) >> If the IPv6 gateway is bad/missing you'll get that "no route to host" >> message. > > I've encountered that issue before, but it isn't that big a problem with me. > As an ISP, the /56 we have been allocated is too small to be very useful so > I'm holding back on working on it much until such time as we get at least a > /48 if not a /40. I'd like to be able to assign each customer a /56 but > would settle for a /60 for each. With a /60, I could only handle sixteen > customers. We have a number of customers for whom a /64 wouldn't cut it at > all. > > I never have figured out the proper way to configure rtadvd.conf. In > particular, there is an addr and an rtprefix. > > addr is, according to the man page, "The address filled into Prefix field" > while rtprefix is " The prefix filled into the Prefix field of route > information option". And then there are the proper prefix lengths -- do I use > 64 or 56? It seems like prefixlen must be 64, but rtplen doesn't seem to make > much difference. > > And then there is the kea side for prefix delegations. > > Since I can just put the IPv6 gateway into /etc/mygate, it's not a problem > from the OpenBSD machines and it will never be a big issue if I can't get a > properly sized allocation of addresses from AT&T. > > Walt > >