I got the x200 with libreboot and openbsd 

On June 19, 2018 10:47:24 AM UTC, Kaya Saman <kayasa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>I couldn't say for the compatibility with OpenBSD though I have read 
>other people running on them, but how about Lenovo??
>I've got an X220 which I run a Linux distro on which I'm really happy 
>with though the i7 CPU does seem to overheat for some reason, though I 
>seem to have this issue with all laptops I've gone through?? Must be me
>- only system that never overheated was my old PowerBook G3 Firewire 
>running Mac OS 9
>I might be remembering wrong but I'm sure I've seen people on the list 
>running OBSD on X-series Lenovo's so it might be worth a shot unless 
>anyone else has better suggestions :-)
>On 06/19/18 11:37, Rupert Gallagher wrote:
>> I'm done with my 10 years old 1200EUR MacBookPro. It served me well,
>every day, but is now falling apart, finally.
>> I would buy a new one if only Steve Jobs would be alive and keeping
>Apple inspired. The new models are meticulously designed to make you
>suffer: expensive, slow cpu, soldered ram, soldered disk, small disk,
>bad keyboard keys, wifi only, must pay extra for standard connectors.
>> I have 1500EUR for a new laptop. What would you buy with it?

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