I would opt for a Thinkpad. Actually working with a T460s; runs like a
charm. If you are looking for mobility, a T series should fit. If you need
more horsepower take a look at P series.

Of course those are my preferences, YMMV!


El mar., 19 jun. 2018 a las 12:41, Rupert Gallagher (<r...@protonmail.com>)

> I'm done with my 10 years old 1200EUR MacBookPro. It served me well, every
> day, but is now falling apart, finally.
> I would buy a new one if only Steve Jobs would be alive and keeping Apple
> inspired. The new models are meticulously designed to make you suffer:
> expensive, slow cpu, soldered ram, soldered disk, small disk, bad keyboard
> keys, wifi only, must pay extra for standard connectors.
> I have 1500EUR for a new laptop. What would you buy with it?

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