Thank you Koshibe-san for your reply.

> I've actually held back on that diff since it's a bit insufficient by itself.

> Actually, you said that you had just em0 on that switch. Can you try
> adding a local port (addlocal instead of add) alongside em0? It will
> be a vether(4) interface that needs to be given em0's current address,
> in its place.

Should I be doing the following? And if yes, what address should em0

$ cat /etc/hostname.vether0
$ cat /etc/hostname.em0
inet ?.?.?.?
$ doas ifconfig switch0 create
$ doas ifconfig switch0 add em0
$ doas ifconfig switch0 addlocal vether0
$ doas ifconfig switch0 up

Here, is the external public IP address of the machine
originally assigned to em0.

> > There is a continuous stream of messages when running "switchd -dvv":
> > ...
> I can't say what they are without the full output, but you will tend
> to see broadcasts (periodic or otherwise) like your second example
> even on your bridge. From a second look at your earlier logs, it seems
> the 1->1 'loops' are generated by the switch seeing VLAN traffic in
> other parts of the network.

Ok. Would sharing the full output of "switchd -dvv" help?

Interestingly, while searching for addlocal, I encountered a
presentation on switch [1]. On page 13 of that pdf, there is mention of
the switch sharing the STP code with bridge. Would it be correct to
assume that there would be no loops if there was STP in the switch?

[1] -

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