Hi all,

Thanks for all your kind response!

I reinstall vim:

# pkg_add vim
quirks-2.367 signed on 2017-10-03T11:21:28Z
Ambiguous: choose package for vim
a       0: <None>
        1: vim-8.0.0987p0-gtk2
        2: vim-8.0.0987p0-gtk2-lua
        3: vim-8.0.0987p0-gtk2-perl-python-ruby
        4: vim-8.0.0987p0-gtk2-perl-python3-ruby
        5: vim-8.0.0987p0-no_x11
        6: vim-8.0.0987p0-no_x11-lua
        7: vim-8.0.0987p0-no_x11-perl-python-ruby
        8: vim-8.0.0987p0-no_x11-perl-python3-ruby
        9: vim-8.0.0987p0-no_x11-ruby
Your choice: 1
vim-8.0.0987p0-gtk2: ok

I selected vim-8.0.0987p0-gtk2, and the error occurs.

Since I use terminal, I shouldn't install vim-8.0.0987p0-gtk2?

Thanks in advance!
Best Regards
Nan Xiao

On Sat, Mar 10, 2018 at 1:20 AM, Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri
<andreas.kah...@icm.uu.se> wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 09, 2018 at 03:19:32PM +0800, Nan Xiao wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Greetings from me!
>> I meet a weird issue: there is a file which contains only "1":
>> # cat a
>> 1
>> While use vim to open it, it displays "0". I find the number behind
>> cursor will decrease 1.
>> Does anyone bump into this issue? Thanks very much in advance!
>> P.S., my OpenBSD is 6.2 release, and vim is 8.0.1476.
>> Best Regards
>> Nan Xiao
> Vim will decrement the value under the cursor if you press Ctrl+X (and
> increment it with Ctrl+A).
> Are you pressing Ctrl+X, or is something sending this to your Vim
> session upon starting Vim?  Is there something in your .vimrc file that
> causes the equivalent of pressing Ctrl+X to be applied on startup?
> --
> Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri,
> National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden (NBIS),
> Uppsala University, Sweden.

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