On Sat, 30 Dec 2017, Patrick Dohman wrote: > At this point it appears that openbsd security configurations may result > in a los of UDP ICMP traffic to all hosts on a segment. If possible > please clarify if any of the following are required foe the proper > operation of NTP/CAPWAP on a broadcast/multicast segment.
Do you just want to hope that someone on this list has already deployed "CAPWAP" with OpenBSD and wait for them to answer, or are you interested in trying to debug it? If the latter, then you should take it down a level and describe what you tried to do, what you expected to see "on the wire/in the air", and what you _actually_ saw there? (Reading at least one 120+ page standard written by Cisco just to understand the background to someone else's problem is a high barrier to assistance by others who are familiar with networking but not with CAPWAP and/or LWAPP.) Philip Guenther