Just a tip from an outsider.

I would suggest you show a little sympathy for those who are getting
spammed by useless Nigerian scammers, cryptovirus authors, and the
like, claiming to be some kind of "Head of Financial Business
Management Department Business Managing Director" or some other sort of
made up title.

It would do you a lot better than whinging over a generic piece of text
that wasn't directed specifically towards you anyway, and then calling
people names, then whinging when your behaviour gets called out.

If I received the same piece of text, the first thought would be that
at least the OpenBSD mailing list maintainer thinks the same way as I
do about spammers. I even had a recent spammer impersonate Theo de

This is why the OLPC rubbish that went on about a decade ago did not
sit well with me.

On Sat, 26 Aug 2017 17:53:27 +0200
<leo_...@volny.cz> wrote:

> Hi,
> dera...@openbsd.org wrote:
> > Then please demonstrate your sensitivity by stopping use of the
> > OpenBSD project's mailing lists.  
> Oh? Who's the thin-skinned one, now?
> > Obviously what I'm saying isn't a personal insult.  
> I didn't even know his name, still don't know his e-mail addr, and
> certainly didn't send a message to postmaster yelling at him that he's
> a jerkass. I just referred, in passing, to his mail swerver's
> behavior.
> That is all. 
> > I just came
> > to the conclusion you are a loudmouthed jackass.  
> Okay, if I infer what you mean correctly: no, I did not mean that Todd
> is necessarily a complete jerkass, just 'cause he (indirectly) behaves
> to me that way, just once.
> I thought that was clear. Since it obviously is not, I apologize.
> > So go away.  
> *shrugs* I suppose I can forget about you taking a look at my problems
> with the wdc_pcmcia code, then.
>         --schaafuit.

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