
dera...@openbsd.org wrote:
> Then please demonstrate your sensitivity by stopping use of the
> OpenBSD project's mailing lists.

Oh? Who's the thin-skinned one, now?

> Obviously what I'm saying isn't a personal insult.

I didn't even know his name, still don't know his e-mail addr, and
certainly didn't send a message to postmaster yelling at him that he's
a jerkass. I just referred, in passing, to his mail swerver's behavior.

That is all. 

> I just came
> to the conclusion you are a loudmouthed jackass.

Okay, if I infer what you mean correctly: no, I did not mean that Todd
is necessarily a complete jerkass, just 'cause he (indirectly) behaves
to me that way, just once.

I thought that was clear. Since it obviously is not, I apologize.

> So go away.

*shrugs* I suppose I can forget about you taking a look at my problems
with the wdc_pcmcia code, then.


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