On 2017/08/26 07:27, Jordon wrote:
> > On Aug 26, 2017, at 4:14 AM, Stuart Henderson <s...@spacehopper.org> wrote:
> > 
> > On 2017-08-26, Bryan Linton <b...@shoshoni.info> wrote:
> >> On 2017-08-25 13:09:14, Jordon <open...@sirjorj.com> wrote:
> >>> I’ve been running snapshots on my machine for a while now.  About once or 
> >>> twice a week I will interrupt the boot with ‘bsd.rd’ and run through the 
> >>> ‘U’ process to get the latest builds.  The only weirdness is that it 
> >>> alway defaults to a really slow mirror (i have to manually enter a 
> >>> different one) and it simply doesnt work when I enter a number from the 
> >>> list.  Is this a proper way to update?
> > 
> > For upgrades, it will default to the mirror in /etc/installurl.
> > 
> >>> What about when the version gets bumped?  Since the switch to 6.2, this 
> >>> method doesn’t work because it doesnt give the list of packages - just 
> >>> the kernel ones.  Is this expected behavior and the solution is to boot 
> >>> from a flash drive or PXE from the latest 6.2 media?
> >>> 
> >> 
> >> The older bsd.rd is probably only looking for files tagged with
> >> its own version.  I.e. If you have 6.1 installed, it's looking
> >> for base61.tgz and not base60.tgz or base62.tgz.
> > 
> > Right - you should always use a new bsd.rd to do the upgrade.
> > 
> Ahh… so my process of booting the current bsd.rd to install the next one is 
> not recommended.  Good to know.

Correct. You'll often get away with using an old one, but as well as
this issue when the version number changes, sometimes there are tweaks
to the installer to get over certain bumps in an upgrade, so you
can't always rely on it.

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