> On Aug 26, 2017, at 4:14 AM, Stuart Henderson <s...@spacehopper.org> wrote:
> On 2017-08-26, Bryan Linton <b...@shoshoni.info> wrote:
>> On 2017-08-25 13:09:14, Jordon <open...@sirjorj.com> wrote:
>>> I’ve been running snapshots on my machine for a while now.  About once or 
>>> twice a week I will interrupt the boot with ‘bsd.rd’ and run through the 
>>> ‘U’ process to get the latest builds.  The only weirdness is that it alway 
>>> defaults to a really slow mirror (i have to manually enter a different one) 
>>> and it simply doesnt work when I enter a number from the list.  Is this a 
>>> proper way to update?
> For upgrades, it will default to the mirror in /etc/installurl.
>>> What about when the version gets bumped?  Since the switch to 6.2, this 
>>> method doesn’t work because it doesnt give the list of packages - just the 
>>> kernel ones.  Is this expected behavior and the solution is to boot from a 
>>> flash drive or PXE from the latest 6.2 media?
>> The older bsd.rd is probably only looking for files tagged with
>> its own version.  I.e. If you have 6.1 installed, it's looking
>> for base61.tgz and not base60.tgz or base62.tgz.
> Right - you should always use a new bsd.rd to do the upgrade.

Ahh… so my process of booting the current bsd.rd to install the next one is not 
recommended.  Good to know.



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