Hi Tim,  all

I have submitted a bug report, just now
regarding Proxmox 5.0  or earlier support
im afraid im not familiar with the earlier versions and
we were testing the platform to use with openBSD on top.

the OpenBSD VGA Console of the VM freezes when
OpenBSD 6.1 release or 6.1 Current (amd64) is installed on
proxmox 5.0 ve
this seems to happen after about 5-10 minutes of uptime
and can be brought on or exacerbated by holding down any
key eg <enter>
when the console freezes, proxmox reports one of the 4 cores
assigned to the machine is at 100% (25% constant usage)
ssh sessions that were established are terminated
only a reboot recovers the situation. (until the next freeze)

it happens regardless of emulated processor type
it happens regardless of emulated storage type
it happes regardless of emulated network type
it happens  on multiple generations of Intel Processors.
intel X5460 & on intel e5 2660 V2
it happens regardless of cache settings on the storage

Fix or workaround
use serial console only and set the Proxmox VM Display to
"serial 0"  (removing the vga adapter)
this seems to make it stable for longer ( more details to follow)
I will update the thread if there are any problems encountered

Tom Smyth

On 19 July 2017 at 02:14, trondd <tro...@kagu-tsuchi.com> wrote:
> On Tue, July 18, 2017 8:14 pm, Tom Smyth wrote:
>> Apologies...
>> Incomplete Mail ... was feeling Trigger happy and now im certainly
>> feeling uncomfortably dumb :)
>> proper bug report to come tomorrow,
>> Its a long story... :/
>> Thanks
> When you do come back, mention if this is new with Proxmox 5.0 and if
> you've used previous versions succesfully.
> I have been running OpenBSD on Proxmox for 2 or 3 years with no problems.
> I think I am still on 4.x, though.  I'll check tomorrow.
> Tim.

Kindest regards,
Tom Smyth

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