Karel Gardas @ 2017-06-15T09:07:39 +0200:
> On Thu, Jun 15, 2017 at 7:04 AM, LEVAI Daniel <l...@ecentrum.hu> wrote:
> > Strangest thing is, if I boot with the 'bad' (=failing) drive as
> > part of the array, softraid brings the volume online (albeit
> > degraded) and I can even decrypt/mount the volume and use it (only
> > one drive being bad in the array of RAID5).  If I remove/replace
> > said failing drive, I'm not getting a degraded volume, just the
> > error about the missing chunk and that it refuses to bring it
> > online.
> So I see you do have two possibilities probably:
> 1) IMHO more safe. If you do have enough SATA ports, then attach both
> your failing drive and your new drive to the system. Boot. OpenBSD
> should detect and attach RAID5 in degraded state and then you will be
> able to perform your rebuild (if your failing drive is not offline,
> you can use bioctl to offline it)
> or

Thanks Karel, this indeed did the trick. I'm still baffled however, that
the whole purpose of the RAID setup was diminished by a missing disk 8-\

You in fact gave the advice at a so lucky time, that I was about to
return the disk for a warranty replacement -- had I done that, I could
not have been able to repair the array. So thanks again, and I guess
you'll have a beer on me when you're around Budapest ;)

(Just a side note: to attach the new disk, I had to remove one of the
system disks that are in a RAID1 setup, also with softraid. Softraid
however had no problem bringing up *that* RAID1 volume in a degraded
state with the missing disk...)

> 2) less safe (read completely untested and unverified by reading the
> code on my side). Use bioctl -c 5 -l <your drives including a new one>
> <etc> to attach the RAID5 array including the new drive. Please do
> *NOT* force this. See if bioctl complains for example about missing
> metadata or if it automatically detects new drive and start rebuild.
> Generally speaking I'd use (1) since I used this in the past and had
> no issue with it.

Now this was more interesting. I tried eg. (re)creating the RAID5 array
with only the remaining three (out of four) disks, with:
# bioctl -c 5 -l /dev/sd2a,/dev/sd3a,/dev/sd4a softraid0

Now the result was a firmly reproducable kernel panic and a ddb console.
I tried with 6.1 and 6.0 (and 5.8 :) ), just for kicks, but it seems
this is a not supported feature(tm) :).

When I specified the remaining three disks plus the new/clean one,
softraid complained that 'not all chunks are of the native metadata',
whatever this means.

But for some reason I liked this idea better, 'cause I wouldn't have
keep the failing disk connected.

Anyway, all sync'd now, and the rebuild speed was quite good -- around
100MB/s --, so it basically finished overnight.

Thanks again,

LÉVAI Dániel
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