If it's text as in plaintext with some 
light markup: net/syncthing works 
well enough for me. The version in 
ports is reasonably up to date¹
and you get clients for anything 
else, too.
(Initial configuration of all the peers 
is a little fiddly though.)
And when you've accepted 
markdown's omnipresence you can
combine syncthing with Writeily Pro 
on your android devices.

Or just use any VCS, a distributed
one when you don't have a reliable
central server.

Regards, Florian

¹) at 0.14.25 according to [0] with
    the android app being at 0.14.26
[0]: https://github.com/openbsd/ports/blob/master/net/syncthing/distinfo

Am 24. Mai 2017 19:49:46 MESZ schrieb Scott Bonds <sc...@ggr.com>:
>On 05/24, Asbel Kiprop wrote:
>>Yeah, i was using it for some time and i wonder if there is some more
>>document based solution.
>>2017-05-24 20:33 GMT+03:00 Ulises M. Alvarez <u...@sophie.unam.mx>:
>>> On 24/05/17 12:22, Asbel Kiprop wrote:
>>>> Hello, friends. Is there is some solution (in OpenBSD packages,
>>>> ownCloud, for example) to handle with cloud documents? All i want
>>>> to editsome text files on 3-4 computers with synchronization(like
>>>> ONLYOFFICE, i think, but not so complicated)
>>> Hi,
>>> Both, ownCloud and NextCloud, include an editor for text documents;
>>> *.txt
>>> --
>>> Ulises M. Alvarez
>>> http://sophie.unam.mx/

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