On Fri, Apr 28, 2017 at 4:09 PM, Jyri Hovila [iki.fi]
<jyri.hov...@iki.fi> wrote:
>> Have you properly configured your user?
> As far as I know, raising the ulimit and being in the staff class can
> not possibly be the solution. Ulimit has to be raised unless one wants
> the browser(s) to constantly crash due to memory exhaustion, and that
> I havedone. But really: adding a normal user to staff class just to be
> able to run a browser properly is not in line with the secure by default
> approach, and should not (in my opinion) affect the performance in any
> way.

>From what I read, it seems as if the problems are mostly from when you
try websites which are heavy on javascript. Let me butt in as a grumpy
not-so-old man and point out that there's nothing even remotely
"secure by default" by even allowing javascript, considering its
horrible track record.

Perhaps this is one of the reasons for the disinterest with browser performance?

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