On Fri, Apr 28, 2017 at 2:18 PM, Jyri Hovila [iki.fi]
<jyri.hov...@iki.fi> wrote:
> Dear everyone,
> With the above disclaimer said, and still knowing the potential for a
> war, I must say this: There is not much hope for OpenBSD to ever become
> a desktop (or laptop) OS if the nightmarish sluggishness of ALL modern
> web browsers can not be solved.

Have you properly configured your user?

What I usually do is:

1) be sure my user has the "staff" class:

# grep dcoppa /etc/master.passwd
dcoppa:***:1000:1000:staff:0:0:David Coppa:/home/dcoppa:/bin/ksh

2) I have this at the top of my ~/.profile:


# bump limits
ulimit -S -d $(ulimit -H -d)
ulimit -S -n $(ulimit -H -n)
ulimit -S -p $(ulimit -H -p)
ulimit -S -s $(ulimit -H -s)


With chromium or iridium it's not as bad as you have described.
Personally I use iridium on a daily basis.


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