On Mon, Nov 14, 2016 at 05:52:51PM -0500, Alan Corey wrote:
> It seems simple to me [...]

It seems simple because you haven't studied voting systems and their
requirements for privacy, security, integrity, reliability, etc.
You have also failed to consider that the privacy, security, integrity,
reliability, etc. problems that are now pervasive throughout computing
and Internet operations are antithetical to those.  In other words, the
things that voting systems need are just about exactly the things that
contemporary Internet computing environments lack.

I suggest if you're really interested in this issue that you start your
education here:

        Douglas W. Jones on Voting and Elections

That page has a large number of links to articles, reports, essays, papers,
etc. on these topics -- and to many sites which contain still more.  It's
an excellent jumping-off point for enquiry into many aspects of this
problem.  After you've read for a few months, I think you'll see that
the problem is anything but "simple".


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