Sorry for saying this, but debian it would not be wrong...

# sort -R a.txt

On 11/04/2016 02:17 PM, Joel Wirāmu Pauling wrote:
> Pipe through uniq and you'll get what you are after.
> Design intent for sort, as others point out this behaviour is documented.
> On 4 November 2016 at 11:47, Christian Gruhl <> wrote:
>> Hi minek,
>> On 11/04/2016 04:41 PM, minek van wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> # strings /dev/arandom | grep -o '[[:print:]]' | head -100 > a.txt
>>> # sort -R a.txt
>>> K
>> ...
>>> 9
>>> # uname -mrs
>>> OpenBSD 6.0 amd64
>>> #
>>> # sort -R a.txt > b.txt
>>> # cksum b.txt
>>> 3374888359 200 b.txt
>>> # sort -R a.txt > b.txt
>>> # cksum b.txt
>>> 109071951 200 b.txt
>>> # sort -R a.txt > b.txt
>>> # cksum b.txt
>>> 3441576000 200 b.txt
>>> #
>>> from:
>>>  -R, --random-sort, --sort=random
>>>     Sort lines in random order. This is a random permutation of the
>> inputs with the exception that equal keys sort together. It is
>> implemented by hashing the input keys and sorting the hash values. The
>> hash function is randomized with data from arc4random_buf(3), or by file
>> content if one is specified via --random-source. If multiple sort fields
>> are specified, the same random hash function is used for all of them.
>>> Although the "b.txt" differs, if we check it by the human eye... that
>> is not random.. **Why**? Why is it called random, WHEN IT IS NOT
>> RANDOM?! Random should mean RANDOM. Not "almost" random..
>>> The same can be seen on ex.: RHEL7.
>> I would guess this is the desired behavior. The man page cited by you
>> also states:
>> 'This is a random permutation of the inputs with the exception that
>> equal keys sort together. It is implemented by hashing the input keys
>> and sorting the hash values.'
>> So clearly same values/strings will be put together.
>> Best wishes
>> Chris
>> [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pkcs7-signature
>> which had a name of smime.p7s]

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