Kevin Chadwick [] wrote:
> > The speed penalty of running a MP kernel on an SP processor is small
> > enough that if it matters to you, you need new hw, so if you are
> > building a universal boot device (i.e., a USB flash disk), just run the
> > MP kernel all the time, you probably won't know the difference.
> If for whatever reason you want to know which is which without booting
> it.
> file /bsd should help
> also:
> strings /bsd | less
> Then search with /OpenBSD
> OpenBSD 5.9 (GENERIC) #3: Thu May 19 08:33:25 CEST 2016

Actually, it's easier than that.

$ uname -a
OpenBSD dmt 6.0 GENERIC.MP#17 amd64

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