On 07/10/16 21:48, Tinker wrote:
> Hi,
> What is a recommended way to ensure that the MP kernel is installed 
> really, "cp /bsd.mp /bsd; reboot" because the bootloader always loads 
> the "/bsd" file?

and when you build a kernel from source, it is always named "bsd".

> Or is it more advisable to echo >> something to /etc/boot.conf or the 
> like.

There are people that like to create config files that have no other
reason to be there.  Do what you wish.

However, you will note one process is in the OpenBSD docs.  Curiously,
the EXACT SAME process is in the installation scripts.  I'd suggest you
take a hint.  But maybe you feel it is time to do some RAIF testing
(Redundant Array of Individual Feet).  Two is redundant, they grow back
anyway, I saw it on the Internet.


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