On Sun, Jul 03, 2016 at 07:17:55PM +0800, Tinker wrote: > At least on 5.8, neither -z nor -I do it, and those are the only arguments > that give any hint of containing such a feature > (http://man.openbsd.org/OpenBSD-current/man1/pkg_add.1). > > Is this feature supposed to be included in "pkg_add" or is a user(me) > refered to implement some own script? > > Sometimes you just want a package and don't care about which version it is. > > Thanks! > > > > # pkg_add -z squid > quirks-2.114 signed on 2015-08-09T11:57:52Z > Ambiguous: choose package for squid > a 0: <None> > 1: squid-3.4.13p0 > 2: squid-3.5.6 > Your choice: > > > # pkg_add -I squid > quirks-2.114 signed on 2015-08-09T11:57:52Z > Ambiguous: squid could be squid-3.4.13p0 squid-3.5.6 > > > # pkg_add -I -z squid > quirks-2.114 signed on 2015-08-09T11:57:52Z > Ambiguous: squid could be squid-3.5.6 squid-3.4.13p0 > > # pkg_add -I "squid*" > quirks-2.114 signed on 2015-08-09T11:57:52Z > Can't find squid* >
This can't be done and should NOT be done. if you are asked to choose between two+ different versions, often that choice is based on the other package(s) that depend on a particular version. You may even need to install both versions when two of your other packages require one of each of the two. See python. I have packages that require python 3.x.x and some others which require python 2.x.x. Even more as a good example, look at all of the different versions of autoconf. How could an automated version of pkg_add possibly guess which version you actually need in two months? Chris Bennett