Yeah I know -

My question was, HOW do I make pkg_add auto-choose the newest (or just any) version really?

E.g. on 5.9, what arguments do you pass to "pkg_add" for "automake", so that it will choose version 1.15, or anyhow just any version without asking for interactive user confirmation bc. I don't care?


On 2016-07-03 19:37, Francois Pussault wrote:
if logic isrespected
3.5.6 is more recent without patch than 3.4.13 with patch 0..

I guess

From: Tinker <>
Sent: Sun Jul 03 13:17:55 CEST 2016
To: <>
Subject: How make "pkg_add" auto-choose some package version for me when
same package is available in more versions?

At least on 5.8, neither -z nor -I do it, and those are the only
arguments that give any hint of containing such a feature

Is this feature supposed to be included in "pkg_add" or is a user(me)
refered to implement some own script?

Sometimes you just want a package and don't care about which version it


# pkg_add -z squid
quirks-2.114 signed on 2015-08-09T11:57:52Z
Ambiguous: choose package for squid
a       0: <None>
         1: squid-3.4.13p0
         2: squid-3.5.6
Your choice:

# pkg_add -I squid
quirks-2.114 signed on 2015-08-09T11:57:52Z
Ambiguous: squid could be squid-3.4.13p0 squid-3.5.6

# pkg_add -I -z squid
quirks-2.114 signed on 2015-08-09T11:57:52Z
Ambiguous: squid could be squid-3.5.6 squid-3.4.13p0

# pkg_add -I "squid*"
quirks-2.114 signed on 2015-08-09T11:57:52Z
Can't find squid*

Francois Pussault
10 chemin de négo saoumos
apt 202 - bat 2
31300 Toulouse
+33 6 17 230 820   +33 5 34 365 269

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