Dude. You really need to let it go.


On Jun 16, 2016 11:54 AM, "outro pessoa" <outro.pes...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Being that I have offended other people, time was taken to explain myself
> and not to deny nor excuse my actions. Even though I hope for others to do
> the same, it appears - that for most of you - it is not your nature to
> explain yourselves nor to give the benefit of the doubt to another.
> Please, hold on for a moment; and, if you would, stop sending the childish
> and immature bounce messages. It is not cute.
> What do I want to "say"? A few things.
> SPARC64 OpenBSD and Gentoo. Both emphasize documentation. SILO loader.
> PowerPC/Power FreeBSD and Debian. Best performance.
> AMD64 Dragonfly and OpenSuSE.
> ARM(64) NetBSD, Debian, Slackware.
> Wait and research before you react and reply.
> Proper etiquette: If you would not approach another in "real life" with
> replies you give, then why do you give them?
> You do not want to be insulted. Why do you insult others?
> You do not want to be ignored. Why do you ignore others?
> There is a project for hardware design; and yet, many of you would rather
> just wait around until someone calls you/ contacts you for some advice. At
> some point in time, the software and hardware needs to be developed
> together.
> Some of you - and this goes for the foundations as well - keep asking,
> "What is in it for me?"
> If you do not present yourselves to be beneficial to others, how are they
> even able to see what you have in an open an unbiased way?
> If a person has limited resources, that person must go through extreme
> measures to accomplish a task and a goal.
> It is best to explain your situation and to let others know of that which
> they are dealing.
> Very few on here see each other in person. Before you formulate a
> hypothesis on the character of another, ask yourself as to how you would
> like to be approached so that respect is given to you.
> Do the same to others.
> The idea has evolved: Using the laptop for an animation station and music
> is the next step.
> I am working on it. I need spare parts.
> I have asked the people here. "Here" is in reference to my physical
> location.
> You need to join together as a single foundation with different parts.
> If you would not treat and approach a child in such a manner, then why do
> you do such to another adult?
> Give yourself time to think.
> Your species is dying.
> Even with this knowledge, you still act and are arrogant, rude, selfish,
> and narcissistic.
> You are so self absorbed that you ignore the future plight of your
> and grand children.

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