Coming from an unintelligent person here, your endless ranting makes me have to ask a stupid question that I shouldn't have to ask. I know that this email list does not like to block people, but is there a way for me to block just this rant and continued ignorance without blocking the rest of the email list?
Kevin -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of outro pessoa Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2016 10:53 AM To:;;;; sorressean;;;;;; Subject: Again, this will be brought to your attention Being that I have offended other people, time was taken to explain myself and not to deny nor excuse my actions. Even though I hope for others to do the same, it appears - that for most of you - it is not your nature to explain yourselves nor to give the benefit of the doubt to another. Please, hold on for a moment; and, if you would, stop sending the childish and immature bounce messages. It is not cute. What do I want to "say"? A few things. SPARC64 OpenBSD and Gentoo. Both emphasize documentation. SILO loader. PowerPC/Power FreeBSD and Debian. Best performance. AMD64 Dragonfly and OpenSuSE. ARM(64) NetBSD, Debian, Slackware. Wait and research before you react and reply. Proper etiquette: If you would not approach another in "real life" with the replies you give, then why do you give them? You do not want to be insulted. Why do you insult others? You do not want to be ignored. Why do you ignore others? There is a project for hardware design; and yet, many of you would rather just wait around until someone calls you/ contacts you for some advice. At some point in time, the software and hardware needs to be developed together. Some of you - and this goes for the foundations as well - keep asking, "What is in it for me?" If you do not present yourselves to be beneficial to others, how are they even able to see what you have in an open an unbiased way? If a person has limited resources, that person must go through extreme measures to accomplish a task and a goal. It is best to explain your situation and to let others know of that which they are dealing. Very few on here see each other in person. Before you formulate a hypothesis on the character of another, ask yourself as to how you would like to be approached so that respect is given to you. Do the same to others. The idea has evolved: Using the laptop for an animation station and music is the next step. I am working on it. I need spare parts. I have asked the people here. "Here" is in reference to my physical location. You need to join together as a single foundation with different parts. If you would not treat and approach a child in such a manner, then why do you do such to another adult? Give yourself time to think. Your species is dying. Even with this knowledge, you still act and are arrogant, rude, selfish, and narcissistic. You are so self absorbed that you ignore the future plight of your children and grand children.